The databases below offer community health data by county and zip code, and dome offer data at neighborhood and census tract level:


North Carolina Social Determinants of Health by Regions

Our counties can be viewed in Region 5 (Person, Durham, and Orange) and Region 7 (Granville, Vance, Warren, Franklin, and Wake). Each region displays a general profile of demographics, followed by social determinants of health (SDOH) divided into three categories or domains. Enter the county under a specific SDOH domain to receive specific census tract data.



This database provides model-based, population-level analyses and community estimates of health measures for all counties, incorporated and census-designated places, census tracts, and ZIP code tabulation areas (ZCTAs) across the United States.


Measuring Upward Mobility in Counties and Cities Across the US

The Urban Institute's Upward Mobility Framework identifies five essential pillars that support mobility from poverty and a set of evidence-based predictors that are strongly correlated with the likelihood that a community can create conditions to boost the economic and social mobility of its residents while narrowing racial and ethnic inequities.


Health Communities NC

The Healthy NC 2030 taskforce, led by NCIOM and NCDHHS, brought together experts and leaders from multiple fields to develop a common set of public health indicators and targets for the state over the next decade. It is comprised of five domains: social & economic factors, physical environment, health behaviors, clinical care, and health outcomes. Navigate domains by picking a region and county—or search under county name—then select a domain. Within each domain are “indicators.”


Explore Health Rankings

The annual rankings provide a revealing snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work, and play. They provide a starting point for change in communities.


Opportunity Atlas

Which neighborhoods in America offer children the best chance to rise out of poverty? The Opportunity Atlas answers this question using anonymous data following 20 million Americans from childhood to their mid-30s.


NC County Health Data

This interactive county map aggregates key health data for North Carolina’s one hundred counties. The map can be filtered to show a statewide comparison for four health topics: uninsured adults, poverty, infant mortality, and heart disease.

To see comprehensive health data profiles for each county, select the county from the map or click on the county’s name in the list below. Each county profile includes state, regional, and county-level data on a variety of topics, including demographics, access to care, health status, and SDOH.


Wake County Social Equity Atlas

The purpose of this project is to collect, assemble, and analyze the socioeconomic and demographic data provided by the US Census Bureau and other federal, state, or local agencies. The main source for these data is the United States Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (most current 5-year average estimates) at the block group-level geography. Analysis of these data will provide an illustrative backdrop that can be compared to other Wake County data.


Durham County DataworksNC

DataWorks is an independent data intermediary dedicated to democratizing the use of quantitative information. It offers comprehensive neighborhood indicators with the Neighborhood Compass, technical assistance and custom analysis, and collaborative learning opportunities.


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