Congratulations to PHMO team members who have been honored with this year’s Duke Presidential Awards:
- Tara Kinard, DNP, MSN, MBA, RN, CCM, ACM-RN, CENP, Associate Chief Nursing Officer
- Leslie Calihman Alabi MA, Team Lead, Program Management
- Paula Tah-Sherman BSN, RN, CCM, DukeWELL Care Manager
They were recognized for their contributions to the 2023 Duke Caregiver Community Event.
“Having partaken in the event and being a caregiver myself, I can vouch for its critical role in empowering caregivers with the tools, knowledge and support they require,” said Dan Bruno, Chief of Staff and Chief Operating Officer for Duke Health Technology Solutions. “Comprehensive caregiver support elevates not only their well-being, but also the quality of care dispensed to their loved ones and others for whom they care.”
These team members represent the best of PHMO, innovating to connect our patients, empower our providers, and build heathy communities.
To see the full announcement, visit Duke Today: https://today.duke.edu/2024/01/dukes-2023-24-presidential-award-winners-honored-embodying-dukes-values