North Carolina governor-elect Josh Stein unveiled his selections for several cabinet secretaries last month, including former PHMO leader, Dr. Devdutta Sangvai, who has been picked to lead the state's Department of Health and Human Services. Dev will guide the NC DHHS as it oversees Medicaid, food stamps, low-income and children’s services, and a range of other social programs.
Dev led PHMO for several years since its inception before serving as president of Duke Regional Hospital. He is also a professor of family medicine, pediatrics, and psychiatry at DUSOM. He will be the state’s first Indian American cabinet member.
"I am looking forward to Dev’s leadership at the Department of Health and Human Services," said Stein. "He is incredibly hard-working, knowledgeable about health care, and ready for the challenges of improving health and lowering health costs for people all across our state."
Congratulations, Dev!